Sunday, January 25, 2009

Shifty Blog

Sometimes I have too much to write. Coming up with a single topic to blog on is difficult. I've not been good at even keeping a personal journal over the past months. I do have topics in mind; each could fill a volume. Since this is my space and my words-let me break life down into some topics. On my mind are (in no particular order): the new President, health, the end of my life on the reservation, and relationships.

The New President- Much like guacamole, I really enjoy saying Obama. It rolls off the tongue in a relaxed way (much better than say Bush). The name makes me think of a resort or a health and beauty aid (such as "If you rub a little obama under your eyes it removes the wrinkles and leaves your skins feeling refreshed."). See what I mean?

I did catch parts of the inauguration (a coworker insisted on bring it up on not one but two of the computers in my classroom). My hope is that somehow the new president can bring America together again after 8 years of the country being highly divided. I didn't vote for him (I went for all of the Green candidates). I hope America can move beyond its' materialism and once again take leadership in promoting freedom (sorry conservative readers but actions really do speak louder than words. These last 8 years seems to have been fear driven and not freedom driven. Yup, that's my opinion). He's got a tough job ahead of him--let's hope he'll be the kind of leader to bring us all to a better place!

Health- Midweek, I had an appointment with my regular doctor. Dr. Cain has always been focused on my health and well being. Admittedly, while I see him at social events in the Cortez area, it's difficult to approach someone as a friend when they know your body better than you do. I brought up two health topics; one related to Morgellons studies and another of a more personal nature. A study by a former NASA doctor connects Morgellons symptoms to the presence of Lyme Disease bacteria. My blood sample was taken and I should know the results sometime this next week. I'm now wondering if Morgellons is a kind of neurotoxin soup--mercury with Lyme Disease bacteria (or the bacterias' waste)...and possibly other ingredients.

I am considering writing a review of my health history from the past 20 years. I believe it reflects on mercury poisoning and hope to get an expert to take a look. I made copies of my two Explore! articles and sent them along with a note to a mercury poisoning expert in Georgia. I want to get him to author or co-author an article with me.

My Last Stint on the Rez- The dog incident from last week left me disturbed. I took it as a sign. I am damn sensitive. I have been working on the reservation setting for 10 years and lived 7 of them in less than pleasant teacher housing. I've gotten plenty of good out of my time here...but I need a new setting. I'll take the good and leave the bad. I'm okay with my decision.

So, where to next? I (due in part to Jayne's motivation) have been working on getting my CO teacher's certification renewed; it's not at all an easy hoop to jump through! I guess this spring I will be doing plenty of searching in CO, NM and PA for possible work. I want to find a setting where I can picture myself for many years to come.

Relationships- Jayne, my old girlfriend for some half dozen years ago, jumped back into my life. I enjoy her company and we have a great deal in common. We have differences too (much like a salt and pepper shaker, we contribute flavor without overshadowing the other).

We rendezvoused at the Valley View Hot springs in the San Luis Valley. It's an interesting setting. The weekend was enjoyable filled with soaking, hiking, visiting, and getting reacquainted. I find the setting unbelievably beautiful. Star lite nights and clear blue Sky add to the dreamy-mystical aura of the area. My first year of teaching was at Moffat...which is mid-valley (we drove by).

Jayne is uncertain where she stands at the moment. She doesn't want a long distance relationship (she did it before and hated it). She also has expressed concerns about our differences in degrees of materialism (it's true...given the right opportunity I could be content living in a shack with very little else. She's into creature comforts...even manicuring). I sometimes think we make relationships more complicated than we need to (maybe arranged marriages really are the way to go).

Thanks for reading. All comments are welcome.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Dog Scrap

I went for a walk last night. I have a 3 mile loop down by some dry ponds up to an illegal dump and back. My neighbor went out before me and most of the neighborhood dogs followed her.

The brown dog, Baby Girl is her name I think, waited for me. The sun was out, so I had a good clip and was enjoying the hike. Along the way the other three dogs that usually go with us joined our pack. each of these dogs have real personality.

There is Fluffy a shaggy large male who is "owned" by the only other Anglo in the area (I put owned in quotes because Tom is home about every third day). Tom also has a kind of ownership with the brown puppy; he took the pup to a vet in Cortez after it was hit couple months back. The dogs tend to hang out at his place because, when he is around, he feeds them.

The last in the pack was (past tense as I fear this pup has gone on to doggy heaven) a mangy black runt that liked to fight.

Anyhow, last night as we were walking...a pack of three vicious dogs came out of the junkyard and surrounded the black pup. They were all putting up a nasty fight. I thought it best to continue on my way. So, I headed back to my apartment and hoped that the fight stopped somehow.

After my evening shave, my neighbor stopped by. She told me that she saw the black dog getting torn to shreds. She carries pepper spray and was able to scare off the pit bull and others. She told me the black dog looked to be dying but was still breathing.

I felt pretty bad. I told her I saw the attack but didn't want to step into a fight. Maybe I was being a wimp. I don't know.

This morning Baby Girl sat on the roadway in front of my truck. I swear the dog was crying. It broke my heart. I guess there's little room for sensitivity on the Rez. I guess we'll all get over it.

On a much better note, I'm getting away to a hot spring for the weekend with a friend.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Greatest Non speaker of Foreign Languages

I am possibly the best person at not learning another language anywhere. The point could be argued. here's how I see it.

I've worked on the Navajo Reservation for nearly ten years. Logic would say through osmosis, exposure and practice I'd pick up the language. I know more than the average American. I can say "hello, please, thank you, Grandpa, dog and Grandma" and that's about it. Sad, eh?

Other languages I've attempted to learn but failed include Spanish, French, Arabic, Romanian, and Polish. In a similar fashion, I can say "hello, good bye, please and thank you". I also have a knack for picking up all of the cuss words. I'm not entirely certain why those are the words that stick.

If you were to step into my apartment you'd swear I was making a legitimate attempt at learning Spanish. I am. My old recliner has a copy of Spanish for Gringos to the left and Spanish in 15 Minutes a Day. I practice, read, reread, cover words recite words and even share with the local dogs (when we're out for our daily walk). If you asked me to share, I'd try.

Until someone finds the means for me to be injected with words (via a mind probe or such), I guess I'll continue continue as the greatest non speaker of foreign languages.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Friday in Relation to Saturday

It's a good Friday. Though I didn't ask for it, I was once again appointed as acting principal. The only real difference in my day was I signed one leave slip. I still find it odd someone would want to leave me in charge of a school.

I have a topic on my mind...It's old love. A past relation and I have been opening our communication. I guess it's at the least a chance to become better at speaking your mind. I've always liked her. I guess there's a reason we've kept in touch. Funny how it goes though.

So, we talk and write and kind of listen. She seems to be hypersensitive towards miscommunication and I'm blunt. She tries to keep everything in balance and I put things out of whack. Maybe we have a bit of the yin yang thing going. She lives pretty far away, so it'd be hard to say we're about to rekindle anything. Still, it gives someone with a monk life like myself hope that there's still the possibility of company beyond a rez dog.

I've often said I don't like movies or books that are why would I want a life that's predictable. I guess the same goes for relationships. Why chose vanilla when you can have rocky road or peppermint swirl? Enough on the relationship thing. I suppose if she ever decides to read my postings, it's kinder to keep things personal and out of any public viewing. Right?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Back in Teec

Traveling...especially flying leaves me pretty tired for a couple of days. I managed to follow my lesson plans, oversee a student writers' club, and get some cancelled events back on the school agenda. All in all, a day of productivity.

My flights back went decent until I got to Dallas. The whole Code Orange, take your shoes off again, find your luggage and try to make your connecting flight gave me heart burn. I had to take a later flight to Albuquerque.

I stayed in Albuquerque for the night. Ate a bad Gyro. Got up early. Drove off towards Gallop with grey clouds overhead. Somewhere around Mount Taylor, the road became a sheet of ice. It was as slick of a drive as I'd ever made. I counted two semis (one overturned and one jackknifed) off the highway along with a half dozen other vehicles. Somehow, I glided into Gallop and decided I'd stay for the night.

The Lariat Motel was possibly a negative two star accommodation. The toilet overflowed and, after a man came and snaked it out, smelt of sewage all night.

I managed to make the drive to Beclabito for a half day of work yesterday. I picked up my mail (lots of Christmas cards and a large package from my sister-in-law), was escorted to my apartment by the Teec dogs, and had a long conversation with a former (not old) girlfriend.

Since my return, I've reflected some on my travels to Costa Rica. Here's a summary of the good and the not-so-good.

Good- Friendly people, lots of green space, nature and clean air (big, big, BIG on my list!), the ocean, butterflies, coffee, chocolate, bananas, and cheap buses (and ferries)

Not-So-Good- Costs (food, lodging, and entertainment were more expensive than I'd imagined), travelers' stories of getting robbed (one had $1500 worth of cameras taken from the overhead space on a bus...another was robbed in the jungle at knife point), time of travel (get a bus to a ferry...just as the ferry leaves. I'd ended up waiting another two hours to catch the next boat), the Disney look of many tourist destinations (the hot springs I'd gone to)

The funny thing about Costa Rica and those who travel there is that, although there are some challenges, many return. Would I? Yes! It is a truly beautiful part of the World. I'd like to see more of Costa Rica's "Roads Less Travelled". I also am intrigued by the prehistoric stone balls (some weighing as much as 16 tons!).

Well, those are my impressions at the moment. They could change...but I don't think they will.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Finding My Way to San Jose´

I´ve been in Montezuma long enough. I´ve found it overpriced and damn trendy...kind of a very warm Telluride.

Tomorrow morning I´ll get up early and find my way to the San Jose bus. I´ll be going back on the ferry and plan to sit up on top (to catch the views and the sea breeze). It´s a 6 hour I should be back at Casa Ridgeway around noon. My flight is early on Saturday (up at 4 am) which makes me tired already.

This in between time from vacation back to real life always takes something out of me. I find I always appreciate getting back to my own bed and general routine. Work becomes kind of a vacation from travel (if that makes any sense).

I´ve taken plenty of pictures...mostly of nature. I guess it´ll take up a new photo album.