Sunday, April 26, 2009

Box That Please!

There's this new found energy in my life. It feels like things are starting to work at the proper pace. Things are happening!

I'm planning to make my big move across the US at the end of next month. I have little planned beyond that. I suppose a major move and finishing out my school year is plenty.

I've been going through closets and shelves bagging and boxing what I want to take...and keeping the stuff I don't want aside for a thrift store drop-off. It feels great! It really does.

Life on the reservation, in a different culture, by myself, and among the occasional sand storm is tiring along with dull (at this point). I'm ready for coffee shop mornings, drizzly days, house projects and (dare I say) the possibility of a dating scene. I'm also hopeful of getting my foot in the door at the local school. Maybe there's a writing group. Maybe there will be hikes with friends. Maybe I can going out in the canoe to meditate/fish. Maybe I can have cookouts. Maybe I can visit NYC for a weekend (it's 5 hours away). Maybe I can create a perfect Hobbit hole to live out my life (though an adventure now and then wouldn't be passed up!). Too many maybes...too much excitement.

I'm also looking forward to green...and all of the fresh smells that come along with the color. The woods, trails, and wildlife. I know it'll be good for me. I might even take up painting again (my truest passion...although some mistakenly think it is writing).

Change is good. Change is inevitable. I'm ready to take the plunge!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Coffee, Groceries, Writing--Proof I lead a Dull Life

I have a few plans for the weekend. No Easter egg hunts. No ham dinners. Just coffee tasting, grocery shopping, and writing.

There's a plant place at the end of Montezuma Avenue. It has some nice stuff. The coffee is good. I like what's in the store, but find the location odd (next to a trailer court and not on the main strip). The couple who own it seem nice and hip. My favorite thing about the place is, I think, the old truck they use to advertise. Anyhow, the coffee and some music will be free I'll go there for my Saturday morning fix.

Grocery shopping...what can I say? I don't really like it. I cook only for myself and find I buy pretty much the same thing every week. It bores the crap out of me! I'd like to get excited about cooking. I guess with a change in social settings, I may find myself entertaining others (it's a better motivator towards good food). My biggest thing not to forget when shopping is potable water (nobody seems to trust the water at Teec).

I've got the first dozen pages of a new novel underway. It's not quite right yet. I'll hold off on sharing until I feel better about it. It may take awhile. I also need to get back to the library and do some hunting for publishers. I sent off a query letter to four publishers. I've gotten two back--one saying they are not accepting anything right now... the other just had a return to sender sticker on front. Anyhow, my instructor Kevin McColley suggest I keep a line of possible publishers in mind. Who'd thought writing would be so much work?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Knowledge- A Terrible Thing to Share?

I had an interesting weekend. As Dr. Shelton considered my thoughts on Morgellons worth sharing with other doctors, I thought why not post it on a site for people suffering. I did. Was it a mistake? I don't think so.

I had a number of members show confidence in detoxing. Some voiced that they were glad I shared. I also went to a strand (is that what it's called?) and added my opinion on bloating being related to mercury in your system. I got some major misguided anger. I guess I'd been passing some myself (like to the medical researchers working on Morgellons). Somehow it'll all sort itself out.

Work has been really slow! I had two students today. I think I'll be more comfortable when I get into a more predictable classroom setting. I guess I'll find out soon enough!

My writing has been moving slowly ahead. I guess when I don't have distractions, I make the best progress. The past couple of weeks have been stressful with the winds, work tensions, and possibly the new celation I've been following (it makes me tired...and, yet, I can't fall asleep?!). Anyhow, this too shall pass.

I am beginning to shift. I have started packing books. I will be selling my motorcycle. I hope to soon know where my new home will be. It could be it'll even surprise me? I'll keep you posted.