Monday, December 1, 2008

New Writing

My new mini trampoline has had an effect on me. I must admit I like bouncing. I bopped around as I edited yesterday. I bounced through the evening and just before I went to bed. I dreamed I was bouncing. The floor feels way too solid when I finally step off.

I have hopes to finish my current writing project before I leave on winter break. I may write something while I'm in Costa Rica (in part to make it tax deductible)....but have started to consider my next BIG writing project.

I want to finish writing a novel on William Latham (ancestor and Mayflower stowaway). I also started a novel on a Mer-boy (who will go in search of a mermaid). They both offer exciting possibilities. I have a cryptozoologist friend who is try to get permission from the Scottish authorities to dig up a mermaid's remains (killed by a local boy and the funeral was attended by the whole the 1920s I think)....maybe this could somehow be tied in? I like writing about the offbeat. If it keeps my interest, it should keep the readers. Right?

Time to get back home for a bounce.

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