Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wellsboro Adjustments

Hard to believe it has been so long since I blogged. It's not that I haven't wanted to. Heck, no! If there is anything I'm not at a loss's words.

My last entry was written in Scotland. Travel and adventure seem some distance ago (though it has been only just 6 weeks). Plenty has happened.

I have officially moved into my home in Wellsboro. Much of my time has been occupied redoing floors and walls in the place. The whole green approach to old home updates might make a book itself (no, I don't plan to write it). The article "Can You Green This?" will be in the Natural Homes Magazine Nov/Dec issue. The editor has already talked to me about a follow up, that's cool.

I've had some challenges with contracting out my electric rewire and insulating of the place. Case in point, I've been waiting half of today for an electrician to come and give an estimate. I had an electrician I was going to go with but found out his estimate of the work was for only the second floor (I'm laughing about this. Did he think I'd just get the top half insulated?). Like any place, I'm learning there are some you can trust...and some you can't. Here's hoping it'll all fall together soon!

Job hunting in an economically depressed area isn't much fun. I signed up as a substitute teacher but haven't been called by their computerized system (this is weird as there is only four schools). I've also applied for a position as library assistant. The man who cuts my hair offered to make me his partner yesterday (somehow this involved me giving him twenty thousand dollars to learn how to cut hair. thank you). I did work for two days with a cleaning service; I was having trouble breathing after the second day (considering I'm working on detoxing, it made no sense to continue). Anyhow, here's hoping I find some work.

The greatest quality of the area is its people. I'm amazed at the kindness I've found. I am now a memeber of the local hiking club, the book of the month club and a regular at Quaker meetings in Mansfield. It's a comfortable place.

The trees are starting to change color. Fall is my favorite season. I'm hopeful of truly settling in. For now my writing is stiff...and so is my back.


Shieldmaiden96 said...

We, for two, (I'd say "I, for one" but I know Bryan shares the sentiment) are glad you came to the 'boro, and are our new 'adjacent street' neighbor! I look forward to cooking for you soon.

Joe said...

Kimberly, Thank you very much. I'm always up for food! Also, it is good of you to look at my blog (I did cruise through some Bryan gave me...pretty interesting). I'm less of a blogger...and more of a pencil and paper kind of writer.