Friday, June 25, 2010

Joe Returns to Writing Slow

I'm sitting at the West End Market coffee shop. The traffic on Main Street is endless, smelly, noisy. I'm going to try my best to explain why I've not kept up with writing here. I guess I was confused.

When I started this blog, it felt pretty natural. A place to write down some words to share. Eventually I was asking myself, "Self, is this a journal?" I guess I've been wondering and trying to figure that out. A journal is something I'd rather keep on the bed stand.

You see, way back when blogging was new to me I felt uncertain. Sure it is a quick and easy means of getting your words and possibly your thoughts out. But on what? And why?

Plenty is going on in my life. I did start another blog with a theme. is written for those looking wanting to better understand the connection between Morgellons symptoms and toxicity (a topic I feel well qualified to discuss...and I've plenty to say). So, my seven followers of joewritesslow, I'm open to ideas on what I need to write about ...and please don't rush me! Happy trails- Joe


V.L. Locey said...

Hmmmmmm. Maybe you can write about the people you meet or see from the coffee shop?

brucedene said...

You could talk about how hot the women are there. Or would you rather do that in person?

Unknown said...

Joe ,you make sense Im from Ohio, moved to Florida had good job. Company bought this brick molding textile from Florida Home Depo. I cut it to fit door. The smart dust blew on my sweaty hands and face. Next day everything all swelled up and started pulling fibers from my skin. ( product made in China , No Warning labels on it ) went 2 hospitalz and specialist. My company fired me said i was not hurt trying to extort $ .. I lost everything, could not phathom what was happening to me,. Now homeless sitting up all night in abandon house in Ohio 4 months later. My hands are still bleeding and permanantly disfigured. Im with my hands between 2 speakers makes these things go nuts and easier to pull out. By the hundreds all day and night every day and night. I need the Florida Attorney that won. Or where i can talk to somebody who knows, and can help me PLEASE.. DONT KNOW HOW MUCH MORE I CAN TAKE..THANX, Robert Harsh 513 267 775four..