Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Campus Lice

My time with a former girlfriend was short and sweet. I guess it could worse (long and bitter comes to mind). Anyhow, we have agreed that we're not all that compatible. She might change her mind if I begin driving a Porche. I might change my mind if she becomes much nicer.

As sometimes happens on school campuses, today several students were found to have lice. One little girl let me know she had them by whispering in my ear, "I have L-I-C-E-S. Don't tell anybody." She was close enough to leave me scratching. Parents were called to pick up their kids. Kids were left to wander into my classroom. I am seriously considering a brush cut (why not...spring will be here soon).

I'm starting to materialize my next professional move. Work or no work? East or West coast? Teach or don't? It's coming together. This may be the year when everyone is left saying, "Wow! Joe finally made it. He has a stable job (let's hope it's not cleaning up after horses!)".

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