Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Greatest Non speaker of Foreign Languages

I am possibly the best person at not learning another language anywhere. The point could be argued. here's how I see it.

I've worked on the Navajo Reservation for nearly ten years. Logic would say through osmosis, exposure and practice I'd pick up the language. I know more than the average American. I can say "hello, please, thank you, Grandpa, dog and Grandma" and that's about it. Sad, eh?

Other languages I've attempted to learn but failed include Spanish, French, Arabic, Romanian, and Polish. In a similar fashion, I can say "hello, good bye, please and thank you". I also have a knack for picking up all of the cuss words. I'm not entirely certain why those are the words that stick.

If you were to step into my apartment you'd swear I was making a legitimate attempt at learning Spanish. I am. My old recliner has a copy of Spanish for Gringos to the left and Spanish in 15 Minutes a Day. I practice, read, reread, cover words recite words and even share with the local dogs (when we're out for our daily walk). If you asked me to share, I'd try.

Until someone finds the means for me to be injected with words (via a mind probe or such), I guess I'll continue continue as the greatest non speaker of foreign languages.

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