Friday, December 12, 2008

This is Good

So, I've read everything I can about positive attitudes. I've learned to say "This is good" even when a situation seems less than perfect.

Case in point- I just recently reconnected with a lady friend from long ago. We went for coffee, she mentioned dancing. I responded-dancing? Yes, dancing! There's open dance at the studio on Friday nights. Okay-says I.

So, while I'd like to completely believe I'm a man of the world and could never be taken for a chump. At this very instance, I feel like some little ant with a giant foot just inches over my head and about to squash me. I feel chump-ish.

Let me back up- go in reverse- hind step. I had a busy week at work. One thing that was getting me by what this potentially romantic evening of dance I had understood would be happening. I even made arrangements to sleep on a friend's couch.

Dancing would be from 8 until 10. In the meantime, I went out for pizza with my friend and his wife. Good pizza. By 7 I was already tired. I took a 10 minute power nap, got up, brushed my teeth and headed off for the dance studio.

When I found the place, I expected to see my coffee companion/female friend/fellow dance enthusiast. She was nowhere in sight. I paid my 5$ and looked some more. I asked the lady sitting up front. "Oh, yeah, she was here. She said she was going to a party." I sat on the couch and watched 5 or 6 couples dancing. Of course, I felt like shit.

But, hey, it's 9, I'm tired and I got to do just a little bit more of the blog thing right?

This is good.

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