Monday, November 3, 2008

Shifty Week

What's up with this week? Daylight savings time makes me wonder. It may have made complete sense when most of us were farmers, but it makes no sense now.

Speaking of outdated shifts, when are we going to fix our Presidential elections? Again, the electorial system did make sense when we all rode in buggies. Are we really living in a Democracy, if our system doesn't always reflect on the common vote? I guess these are questions best left for the next Green party picnic I attend.

Still, it is a week of shift. We get to adjust to the new time. We get to find out who our new president and VP will be.

I'm very much hoping to see a Joe finally making it into the White House. Never has my first name been more abused and politic-warped than in this election. From "Joe the Plumber" to Palin's debate pun of "Say it ain't so, Joe" (who does she have as a speech writer? Maybe a retired writer for Hee Haw?). The Joes of America must stand tall. Go Biden!

Happy Shifting, Joe The Teacher

1 comment:

Shawn said...

Actually, we're a Democratic Republic, hence the Electoral College insanity. There hasn't been a true democracy for large populations since Greece, I think. Turns out the Founding Fathers didn't quite trust us with such a decision, and judging from some of the yay-hoos at the polls, maybe they were on to something.